Friday, February 11, 2011


Until it was the warmth of the globe, we didn't mind. But now, it is global warming that's causing even floods in the desert. Not being so harsh on Mother Nature, I'd rather think about smaller examples in climate change that provides almost freezing temperatures in Kolkata and high levels of humidity in Delhi. And now, its almost melting hot in Kolkata, while, a week ago it was cold enough. Shouldn't I be asking for some rain? Oh, I love rain and so I click rain. Well, I can think publicly now on this blog so I present 'Raindrops'. Gimme a break. I'm not such a thinker. The idea was given by Shreya, my little friend who also happens to be my occasional image editing teacher.

It was the rains that disrupted our trip in December 2010. We had to leave Kausani earlier than planned. However, the same rain gave me some beautiful pictures. The above one is not much beautiful but again looking at picture for long time, I always start traveling into picturesque landscapes. I get the feel of 'something calls from beyond'.

Invincible is the word for this gentleman in the above picture. I'm sorry. Actually, this curry plant is a part of our family. We have evicted him from roots several times. Yet he doesn't seem to be willing to leave. This tall, dark and handsome guy looks awesome when it gets drenched and water drips from its hairs.

Take a guess who they are. Well these kids will be called Tej Patta or Bay leaf when they die. My father says that kids are always beautiful and a photographer's thinking says that they are even more beautiful when they take a bath in the rain.

This was probably among the first raindrop photos I've taken. Its a coconut tree just in front of my house in the courtyard of our neighbors. Unfortunately, it wont be standing there to get drenched till this spring. They are building an apartment there and it will be cut off soon.

My favorite. What can it be? Well, just after I clicked the coconut tree, the rain started pouring in heavily. I left the balcony. while closing the door, I suddenly noticed this molten metallic fluid on the marble floor. after seeing for almost half as minute, I realised that it was nothing but the raindrops assimilated in this formation by my own footsteps and a bit of reflection.

See this pulley shaped guy? I think he is the the hero if this picture happened to be a movie. He is the one who saves the modesty of rain. Otherwise, the rain could have unwillingly caused a short circuit. Unlike Terminator, he is the Insulator.

Bathing in the rain at night can be the most amazing experience. This picture was taken in last spring. I was almost bed ridden. I couldn't sleep. It was around quarter to three in the night. The North window of the room facing the balcony, was open. Pulled my body up and saw this image on the balcony floor. Raindrops, reflections and shadows together made this mystic picture. Fortunately, my camera stays with me even when I retire everyday.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Summer afternoon with Otpidus

Well, that's the name Sudipto uses in his Orkut account and may be in some notebooks. Last summer I had this adventurous expedition with him to the Santhal Parganas of Jharkhand. All these pictures were taken en route to Bhognadeeh from Berheit. It was April 11, the birthday of Sido Murmu and we were there to witness the celebrations. Wait a minute, the following pictures are nowhere related to the occasion.

Neither the road nor these men knew that they could make something so picturesque.

I don't know which one is the greater struggle: this man's life or what I do everyday to earn my bread.

This may be considered as the proof that even the dead sometimes look more attractive than the living.

I messed up with the laws of composition.

Oh this last image is of Sudipto. Who else could be so crazy to walk more than 3 kilometers on a summer afternoon with drinking water in the bottles almost boiling. Well, he did not decide it, I did. He just agreed to my proposal. We had to wrap up our faces to prevent the heat waves. Believe me or not, the night was cold enough to make me have tea a dozen times.